The choice between exemption or deduction for the avoidance of international double taxation cannot be changed after the voluntary deadline

Tax management is a crucial aspect of tax administration at both national and international level. In the area of international double taxation, the choice between exemption or deduction plays a fundamental role in optimising the taxes paid by taxpayers. However, it is important to note that this choice cannot be changed after the voluntary deadline,…

Visit of Alicia Izquierdo, Councillor for Innovation of Malaga City Council, to MDG Advisors: Exploring the digital transformation of traditional services in the province

We were honoured to receive a visit from Alicia Izquierdo, Councillor for Innovation at Malaga City Council, at MDG Advisors. During her stay, we explored the transformative impact that technological development has had on traditional services in the province of Malaga. We discussed how the integration of technology has revolutionised various sectors, from customer service…

New system of rectifying self-assessments

With the publication of Law 13/2023, of 24 May, important modifications were included in tax matters, among which we would like to mention the creation of the new figure of the self-assessment rectification, which replaces the dual system of complementary self-assessment and request for rectification foreseen in the General Tax Law (LGT) that we had…

The municipal capital gain and its unconstitutionality does not create an automatic right to compensation for the taxpayer

In Spain, the plusvalía or also known as the Impuesto municipal sobre incremento de valor de terrenos de naturaleza urbana (IIVTNU) or simply “plusvalía municipal” is based on the theory that when a property changes ownership, its value increases over time due to factors such as inflation, urban development and market demand. However, the application…