We would like to inform you that past 10th December, the Andalusian Regional Government approved new temporary and exceptional measures to contain COVID-19 during the Christmas period. Published in the “BOJA Extraordinario” Nº88 of 11th December 2020. It consists of two periods: from 12 to 17 December and from 18 to 10 January.
Please find attached these new measures for its reading.
The new measures are specified below:
Period 1: From the 12th of December to the 17th of December:
- Mobility is permitted between municipalities in the province of Malaga.
- Shops open until 21.00
- Hostelry open until 18.00. Take-away food may be collected from the premises until 9.30pm. Home orders until 22.30, delivery until 23.30.
- Curfew from 22.00 to 07.00.
Period 2: From 18 December to 10 January:
- Free mobility throughout the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.
- Shops, opening and closing in usual hours.
- Hostelry: split schedule. From the morning until 18.00H // From 20.00H to 22.30H. Take-away food remains the same.
- Curfew from 23.00 to 06.00
* From 23th December to 06th January: entry into and exit from the Community of Andalusia to other residences for the purpose of family reunification is permitted.
* On 24th, 25th, 31th and 01rd, meetings of 10 people are permitted with a curfew until 01:30. The rest is kept at 6 people.
MDG Team,